Friday, July 29, 2011

Leyland Wilson honored

They had their big annual dinner at the Agriculture and Vocational College last night.  Leyland Wilson was honored with the poultry science achievement of the year award for developing a new breed of rooster, much to the delight of many hens in the area.  Sarah thought it was bad form to serve chicken.
Floyd got home early from his Homeland Security Committee meeting.  They were supposed to review their Ready Alert program, but they had to postpone it until someone can find the key to the supply closet.
I got a letter from Aunt Lucy today.  My grandson Ryan brought the mail when he came to visit, but he got distracted and ripped the envelope on the barbed wire fence.  We lost the third page, so I'm not sure why Uncle Jake is in jail.
And that's what's happening in Hoake's Mill.

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